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A ancient painting of Perpetua and felictas getting gored by a bull in the arena

A mosaic of gladiators in combat with one speaking to a unarmored individual. The full mosaic is located in the town of Zliten, Libya. The creator of the mosaic is unknown.

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HADRIANVS AVG.COS III.P.P, bust of emperor/GENIO P.R., Genius of Rome sacrificing over altar.

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"Taken place in 750 BC, in which the first generation of Roman men acquired wives for themselves from the neighboring Sabine families. Fearing the emergence of a rival society, the Sabines refused to allow their women to marry the Romans.…

Ruinen von Karthago, eigenes Foto, selbst aufgenommen am 18. Mai 2005. (Description from

Painting of the suicide of Roman philosopher Seneca. Painted by Manuel Domínguez Sánchez in 1871. The painting is held at the Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid, Spain.

An ancient dish that was served to Emperor Licinius in honor of his tenth year in office as emperor.

A libellus from the Decian persecution in 250 AD, possibly found in Egypt in 1893.

A marble relief carved of two women Gladiators, 'Amazon' and 'Achilia', . The emperor in AD 81-96 made women fight at night in torchlight.

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The martyrdom of St Catherine who kneels facing left, the Emperor Maxentius is in the upper right and an angel with a sword and a cross occurs in the upper left. Description from: The British Museum,…
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